
Afiq Nuqman, 14. Taiping. MALAYSIAN. Muslim. Hate me? Whatever. Wuakakaka xD


I dont know who I am
Just walking and walking to future

Well, I love to make a new friendship, Si Tipis :*, and everything make me feel happy. I hate all about insect a lot. Why? Because I had a dream, there is insects surrounded me. Very crazy dream, ever I had. I love cat :3 I think I have a CRAZY LIFE. If you know my story life, you will shock and cry. Okay, ignore it. Right now, you already know some about me.

Be the best, dont dissapointed someone
Get something wrong in here? Ask me!

Your tagboard comes in here. Just an image. It will be nice if, width: 85% and height: 100px

Behind the skin
Some people help me :D

Originally layout by Aulia Septiya
Big helped from Gyapo and Capitol
Other from Adobe Photoshop CS5, Photoscape, Ziera and Colourlovers

sayang korang
Saturday 7 April 2012 @ 19:41 // leave a comment? [0 letters]

chumill ta aku . hahaa . . fuyoo mach0 habes . hahaha
posing baik punyer . ada ciri2 jadi model ta aku ? hahah  

it's me AFIQ NUQMAN-------------------------->                  .

terima kasih untuk sapa yg wish birthday aku .. syg korg sngt2 k . ngeee :) . especially to my lovely sister FARAH ILYANA . iloveusomuch. . aku ingt korg x ingt birthday aku dh .. terharu . serius . nanti ada duit aku belanja hampa ye .. to pun kalau ad duit . hahaha .btw thanks so much . tak tawu nk ckp ap dah . hahaha . who celebrate me , thanks oke . nk tgok gmbr . nnti aku upload k . btw gambar dy agak geli skit . penuh dgn telur n tepung . hahaha .